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摘 要 英语学习的目的之一是提高交际能力。交际能力(communicative competence)一般来说包括了语言能力(linguistic competence)和社交能力(social competence)。谈到交际,必然涉及语言、文化。因此,培养语言的交际能力亦即提高学习者运用语言的能力,更多的了解目标语的文化背景知识,以达到加强交流,增进了解的目的,为以后跨文化交际的顺利进行打下良好的基础。
关键词 跨文化;交际;中英文化
Problems in intercultural Communication is much more problematic than people may think.As Gumperz(1982:1)points out:When cultural backgrounds differ,meetings can be plagued by misunderstanding,mutual misrepresentation of events and misevaluation.Interactions that are normally seen as routine often meet with unforeseen problems.
This is clearly seen in the use of linguistic routines such as addressing in cross-cultural communication between English and Chinese speakers.
In principle,one cannot expect that the literal translation of the routine expressions of his own language into another will he the same effect in the target language.But in practice, the interference of one's mother tongue in using a foreign language seems to be inevitable for foreign language learner.As Young(1982:83)observes.
The fact that different socio-cultural assumptions underlie message construction on the discourse level is not easily recognized.Speakers from different cultural backgrounds,in attempting to formulate a sensible interpretation when faced by an unfamiliar discourse style,fall back on their knowledge of the evaluative frameworks conventionalized by their own culture.
Since misunderstandings can easily occur,Helen Oatey (1987:22)suggests that "it is important to consider how addressing are conveyed in English and Chinese,and to what extent there are differences between the two cultures in this respect." It is important to remember that the communication rules are culturally bound.This means that if you want to be succesul in intercultural communication,you must know not only the rules of your culture but that of the culture of the person with whom you are interacting as well.If you know the rules,the other person's behior will make more sense to you and you can alter your behior to the rules of the culture,or else,you may interpret what you hear according to the rules of your native culture and misunderstand the speaker's intension or even perceive insincerity or offence where none was meant. The key to clear the difficulty is to acquire adequate knowledge of,and to be willing to accept the cultural differences in communication.
From the above analysis we can see th源于:论文网站www.618jyw.com
at it is highly necessary for linguistic researchers and foreign language teachers to make cross-cultural studies of language interaction.These studies may contribute to promoting understanding of contact across different cultures and help foreign language learners/users to oid potential offence and insult.In this sense,address phenomenon as linguistic routines in both native and second language context require more intensive and extensive studies. 源于:大学毕业论文格式www.618jyw.com


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