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1.Tony prefers his wife to do the house work.
2.The boss liked the staff to arrive early for work.
3.The teacher wants her class to finish the job by Wednesday.
各句中的sb. to do,可用what 整体提问而成What does Tony prefer?
What did the boss like? What does the teacher want?故sb. to do 在句中作单宾语,to do 是宾语部分中的核心,sb.(名词或代词宾格)是不定式逻辑上的主语,是为to do服务的,是次要成分——非核心。

1.I told Tom to see the doctor.

2.My teacher advised me to take up the piano.

3.He encouraged you to learn English.

分析:本组句中 sb. to do 不能作为整体用what提问而成 What did you tell?
What did your teacher advise? What did he encourage?故sb. to do 不构成单宾语,本组各句sb是间接宾语,to do 是直接宾语,换言之,宾语部分有两个核心sb.(间宾)和to do (直宾)故本组为主谓双宾语句型。
1.I pressed her go to answer the questions.
2.The thief forced Tom to hand over the money.
3.The extra money helped me to be independent.
分析:本组各句中sb. to do也不能用what 整体提问,故非单宾语,宾语部分非两个核心,亦非双宾语,其核心部分为sb., to do 是为sb. 服务的,没有这部分句子不完整,故称为宾语补足语,所以本组为主 谓 宾 宾补句型。
如果我们用S表示主语,T表示单及物动词,D表示双及物动词,C表示复合及物动词,n表示sb(名词或代词宾格),t表示to do。
则:A组为 S—T—nt; B组为 S—D—n.t; C组为 S—D—n.t.
许多人把动词后的sb. to do 都说成是宾语加宾补,是十分错误的,我们提出抓核心辩句型,弄清了它们逻辑上的区别,尽管从实用角度上看学生没有必要在语法上弄得这么细,但编教材的专家,教学生的老师在理论上必须有个清醒的认识,用同样的手法我们可判断下列两组句子的句型。

1.We saw the boys fight in the street .

2.The teacher watched the students destroy their books.

3.I heard someone open the door.

本组划线动词为感官动词,后接sb. do sth.可用what 整体提问.与A组sb. to do sth.类似,do sth. 为核心,sb.为其逻辑主语,本句型为主—谓—单宾语句型。

1.He made me work.

2.Mother doesn’t let me play in the street.

3.Mr. Wang helps me learn English.

本组动词后也接sb. do sth. 作宾语,但sb. 是核心,do sth. 补充说明宾语做什么,这样句子才完整,它们不能整体用what 提问,和C组相似,属主—谓—宾—宾补句型。


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