
更新时间:2024-04-04 点赞:34399 浏览:157731 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Abstract: As one of the outstanding writers in English literature, John Milton is most remembered for his Paradise Lost. As Cromwell was the man of action, the military leader of the revolution, John Milton was the man of thought, and with his pen he defended the revolutionary cause. From a dialectical view, contradiction is also the most important power to push things forward in a spiral and tortuous way. Therefore the great epic still he profound and realistic significance in our modern society where we Chinese are all striving to build up a harmonious one.
Key words: contradiction; humani; dialectical materiali; harmonious society
The bourgeois revolution in 17th century is a historic event in English history, in the light of which Milton’s great epic Paradise Lost is created. As one of the outstanding writers in English literature, John Milton is most remembered for his Paradise Lost, which is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. The story is taken from the Bible, the theme of which is man’s disobedience and the loss of paradise, with its prime cause-Satan who rebels against God’s authority and tyranny. The real purpose for Milton to write this epic is to show his bitter hatred for the despotic ruler as well as the revolutionary enthusia of the bourgeois revolution. By writing the epic Milton wants to “assert eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to man.” Nevertheless, there are some lines running opposite to the Christian teachings, and it makes the poet seemingly unorthodox.
However it must be made clear that the poet himself as a sincere Puritan does not he the least intention of making God a real tyrant to be hatred and revenged upon. The speech from the rebellious angles is an out pouring of Milton’s personal hatred for the restored monarch at the time. On the whole, Milton somewhat condemned the characters of Satan and his followers in his great epic.
Satan, on one hand, is a supernatural being, and on the other hand, a human being in the eyes of Milton, who embodies both good and bad morals, as well as merits and demerits. Before his rebellion against God and his defeat and the fall into hell, Satan was Lucifer, the highest angel in heen. The exact case that Satan chooses to be an opponent of God on the prices of losing his deity position embodies the spirit of humani, which broadly suggests any attitude to exalt the human element or stress the 源于:论文集www.618jyw.com
importance of human interests as opposed to the supernatural divine elements and the grosser, animal elements. In a more specific sense, humani suggests a devotion to those studies supposed to promote human culture most effectively, in a particular, those dealing with life though literature of ancient Greece and Rome.As to Renaissance which is out of question a landmark in English literature and even in world literature history, is a French word meaning “rebirth” in English. The ideal of Renaissance is humani. A number of humanist scholars, taking great interest in the welfare of human beings, appeared with the spreading of the Greek and Roman culture. They maintain that it is against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of life for an afterlife and man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. The humanist scholars demanded the reformation of the church in religion and sang in praise of man and of the pursuit of happiness in this life instead of sing praise to God in art and literature. It is sagacious that humani shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of man’s mind and opened his eyes to a bre new world in front of him.
The great work still has profound and realistic significance in our modern society where we Chinese are all striving to build up a harmonious one. A harmonious society, according to Eastern cultures, refers to a friendly relationship with nature, human beings and other countries. Since its reform and opening up, China has to face disputes over some issues and cultural discomforts in internat源于:论文库www.618jyw.com
ional context. The reasons for this state of affairs are many and varied, some of them are beyond the control of anything China might do to try to correct them, but some are not. Take the very way we build up our harmonious society for instance. Here I don’t advocate copyingthe manners from westerners blindly because western civilization is no doubt suitable for westerners, but it will mean ruin for China if we imitate it without considerable thinking. Chinese culture has changed a lot through communication with other cultures throughout the world, too. Therefore it is sagacious to advocate multiculturali and keep up with the times in our modern society
Dialectical reasoning focuses on contradictions as well as how to resolve or transcend them, or find the truth in both. It is best applied in resolving controversial issues and assessing opposing positions. Often there are several possible ways of resolving questions and understanding issues rather than one single right answer. Ancient Chinese philosophers emphasized the constantly changing nature of everything. According to them, everything is not static but dynamic and changeable. Because the world is in constant change, oppositions, paradox, and anomalies are continuously being created. Therefore new and old, strong and weak, good and bad, harmonious and contrary, exist in everything; opposites complete each other; the two sides of any apparent contradiction exist in an active harmony, opposed but connected and mutually controlling.The traditional Chinese cultures he endowed Chinese people great gifts to create a splendid history in the world. And the scientific advance of China in the 21th century has enabled man not only to invade the realm of the eagle, but also to probe the coic mystery by launching spacecraft such as man-loaded spacecrafts and moon detectives. These outstanding Chinese are seeking to involve the wonders of science: explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depth and encourage the arts and commerce.
To build up a more harmonious society, the government needs to carry out institutional, legal measures to protect human rights and meet the reasonable requirements from common people. The industries should modify some l源于:硕士毕业论文www.618jyw.com
ong-accepted practices and turn to more humanistic policies. Perhaps most important, the ordinary people should keep up learning to enlarge their horizon, broaden their mind and enhance the capability of appreciating aesthetic values as the outer and inner guarantee to defend harmony. In a word, if the government and the whole society comprehensively take the conception of harmonious society into consideration, pay more considerable attention to the inevitable conflicts and work together to it, there is certain to be an encouraging prospect to a more harmonious society.
朱刚: Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press
[4]Nisbett, R. E. The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently. New York: The Free Press.


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