
更新时间:2024-01-16 点赞:5717 浏览:15175 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Abstract:The teaching of reading plays a very important role in English teaching. Taking consideration of 摘自:毕业论文标准格式www.618jyw.com
the importance of the schema theory for the efficient reading comprehension, the author expounds the schema theory and explicitly illustrates how to apply schema theory into teaching reading practice.
Key words:the schema theory; teaching reading; apply the schema theory; teaching reading practice
1 Introduction
To most of the students the reading comprehension part in English tests, is usually the most difficult part other than the other parts of the tests. The lack of the vocabulary is not the first reason for the failure of doing reading comprehension although most students are in the wrong judge and consider that only when they acquire enough words can they do the reading comprehension well. Actually, vocabulary is just a basis for doing reading comprehension and it is not one of key points for doing reading comprehension part well.There must be some other theories and some relevant strategies while doing reading comprehension. One efficient theory is the schema theory, in which the paper focuses on teaching reading comprehension and illustrates the specific application of the schema theory with some other reading skills.
2 The relation between the schema theory and reading comprehension
In the 1970s, American artificial intelligence expert Rumelhart established and developed the schema theory. It emphasizes that the knowledge and knowledge structure that people already he in their mind determine their cognitive activities. According to the schema theory, schemata, meaning packets of stored knowledge in human brain, play an important role in language processing. Further speaking, the knowledge stored or packed in human brain is in unit not at random,and the units are called schemata. The schema about reading comprehension can be further analyzed into three types--1inguistic schema, content schema and rhetorical schema.
Linguistic schema means the knowledge that already exists in the reader’s mind including the messages of phonology, lexical and syntax, etc.; content schema refers to the familiarity of the reader to the topic, namely narrow sense of background knowledge; rhetoric schema means the familiarity of the reader to the genre and the textual structure of the reading material, normally named textual knowledge.
The Schema theory has it that any language information itself is meaningless and it only guides readers to recover or constitutes a meaning according to readers’ own knowledge and knowledge structure. Reading comprehension firstly is input of text information, and then readers search for the schema that can explain the input information in their own brains. When the schema is found, readers produce the understanding; otherwise they can't understand or cannot fully understand. For example, it is easy for the students to understand thissentence literally: A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. Yet it would rather difficult for the readers to understand the true meaning of this sentence, because in their minds no western femini and related knowledge of schemata are stored. This sentence is the proverb often quoted by western suffragette, meaning: Women don’t need men at all.源于:论文的格式要求www.618jyw.com
3.2 The function in advocating questioning at different levels
Broome, Joyce said,“To teach students to think independently we ge them the ability to self-education. To enable students to dare to assert their points of view in class, we can't demand students to abandon all active thinking, and blindly believe in certain theory." definitely, by asking questions the teacher can keep the students' active thinking. Students’ abilities to obtain knowledge remain quite different. Therefore, teachers who apply schema theory for teaching reading process must question by man: by using schema put forward problems at all levels to make different levels of students he succesul learning experience.
3.3 The function in mining discourse connotation
Modern foreign language teaching asserts that the guideline or core of the foreign language teaching is to regard the foreign language education as the Mosaic integrating the development of intelligence and penetration thought. Schema teaching, in showing articles contexts, at the same time vividly shows protagonist's personality in paper. It takes people as line in the analysis of their individuality and behior to enhance students to the correct understanding of people and things, and gradually forms a good quality and high moral sentiment of students.
4 The Applications of the schemata theory to reading teaching
Reading is a constant process of selecting information, checking information and using information. To elaborate the application of the schema theory in teaching reading, the author plans‘pre-reading’,‘while-reading’,and ‘post-reading’ stages. These stages can help us understand the function of schema in reading comprehension.
4.1 Pre-reading--Make full use of the schema’s predicting and reasoning functions
The prediction before reading can help students draw appropriate background knowledge源于:论文格式www.618jyw.com
, activate the necessary schema. And the forecast method can help students form top-down understanding to the discourse from the macroscopical to the microcoic. Even in the article there are many strange words or a complicated structure, it still won't affect reading comprehension. In the teaching activities, the author has used the following methods:

1.1 To predict by using illustrations

Teacher leads students to discuss the illustrations about the text or watch the video clip, then draw out the topics by asking one or two interesting questions concerning the topic to activate some original schemata in the students’ brains.原创论文www.618jyw.com


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