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摘 要:“相”与“组织”是材料类课程中非常重要的概念,在目前的材料科学基础和工程材料教材中,相关概念的定义各有千秋。根据目前一些教材中的定义及教学过程中的体会,阐述了这两个重要概念应有的内涵,并提出“相”与“组织”的定义。
关键词:材料科学基础 相 组织 概念
About the definition of "phase" and "zuzhi-structure"
Zhao Jie, Ye Fei, Wang Qing, Qi Min
Dalian university of technology, Dalian, 116085, China
Abstact: There are two important concepts in the course of fundamentals of materials science: "phase" and what is named as "zuzhi-structure". There are various definitions for these concepts in different textbooks. The current paper discusses the very basic meaning of these two concepts based on some typical Chinese and English textbooks and references. The definition for these two concepts are also proposed for judgement of colleague.
Key words: fundamentals of materials science; phase; zuzhi-structure; definition
1 “相”的概念
英文教材中是怎么定义“相”的呢?“相”的英文名称比较确定:“phase”。在一本英文教材中,是这样定义的,“A phase may be defined as a homogenous portion of a system that has uniform physical and chemical characteristics”。翻译成中文:“相可以定义为系统中的一个均匀部分,它具有均匀的物理和化学特性”。很有意思的是,这里用了“may be defined”,说明编者对于这一定义并不满意。
在美国材料学会(A)编写的手册中,对“相”的定义有比较详细的解释。其原文为:The term "phase" refers to that region of space occupied by a physically homogeneous material. However, there are two uses of the term: the strict sense normally used by physical scientists and the somewhat looser sense normally usedby materials engineers. In the strictest sense, homogeneous means that the physical properties throughout the region of space occupied by the phase are absolutely identical, and any change in condition of state, no matter how all, will result in a different phase. For example, a sample of solid metal with an apparently homogeneous appearance is not truly a single-phase material, because the pressure condition varies in the sample due to its own weight in the gritational field. In a phase diagram, however, each single-phase field is usually given a single label, and engineers often find it convenient to use this label to refer to all the materials lying within the field, regardless of how much the physical properties of the materials continuously change from one part of the field to another. This means that in engineering practice, the distinction between the terms "phase" and "phase field" is seldom made, and all materials hing the same phase name are referred to as the same phase. 学位论文www.618jyw.com


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