
更新时间:2024-04-05 点赞:18810 浏览:89962 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

1~5 ABCCB 6~10 ABBCD11~15 BADBB16~20 BDDCB21~25 ABDBC
1~5 BCABA6~10 CBABC11~15 CAADA 16~20 BAADC21~25 CCCCA26~30 BABBB
31~35 CDCBC36~40 DDDDB



1. What’s in that black bag?


2. When was the party over?


3. Whose shoes are these?


4. How does the cloth feel?


5. Who else came besides you and Tom?


6. Which tastes better?

Text 7
M: You speak good English. Are you from America?
W: No, I’m from France. But I stayed in Canada for a few years.
Text 8
M: Some more soup? It’s delicious when it’s hot.
W: No, thanks. I’ve had enough.
Text 9
W: You can keep the book until Monday.
M: OK, I will certainly return it on time.
Text 10
W: Excuse me, Tony. May I he my dictonary back?
M: Sorry, Judy. I’ve lent it to Kate.
Text 11 (Ring ...)
W: Hello!May I speak to Mike?
M: Sorry, there is no Mike here. You must he dialed the wrong number.
Text 12
M: Keeping a pet dog is interesting. Don’t you think so?
W: But you can’t even take care of yourself.
W: Hi, Marco. Where were you yesterday afternoon?
M: I went fishing in a newly-built park.
W: With whom? Your brother Steve?
M: No. Steve was busy with his final preparation. He came top last term, so he wants to make it again.
W: Good for him. Does he still want to study in Cambridge?
M: He changed his mind. Now he is trying to learn business in Harvard.
Text 14
M: Kate, how do you like this dress? It looks perfect.
W: Come on, Peter. Isn’t that color too bright for me?
M: Then , how about this one?
W: Oh, I’m afraid this color is too light. It easily gets dirty.
M: Well, well, Kate. You are being difficult.
W: What would you say if I buy this one?
M: Very nice. Try it on. Now you look quite good.
W: Let’s see if there’s a larger size.
M: Why don’t we go and ask the saleslady over there? I think she can help us.
Text 15
W: You look sad. What’s eating you?
M: Lily was angry with me a lot.
W: Sorry to hear that. But what for?
M: I came home very late last night. I met an old friend of mine.
W: Didn’ t you tell her about that?
M: Yeah, I did. But she just wouldn’t listen to me. She said that she hated my coming back home late.
W: Then you should he a heart-to-heart talk with her.
M: But she just wants me to come back home before seven.
Text 16
Sally is a waitress in a restaurant. She’s always very careful. She has never been late once. In fact, she sometimes has to go home late because of extra work in the restaurant. But things don’t always go well all the time. One morning, Sally missed the bus and arrived late for work. The manager is usually pleased with everything. But that morning, he wasn’t. When she put away her handbag, she went up to the manager and said, “Am I always late? For the past two years, I he never once been late. You know that. Why are you shouting at me when this is the first time I’m late?” “I’m sorry. I know you’ve always been on time. But you know I don’t always shout at late comers. But this morning, I just don’t feel good. I am sorry.” “That’s all right. My bus which is always on time was late this mornig. Maybe the driver also felt bad.” At this, the manager laughed. There were iles on the faces of all the other waitresses.
1~5 BACAB 6~10 ACBCA11~15 BCCAA 16~20 CAACB21~25 AABCA26~30 DDABD
31~35 DAACC 36~40 ABBCB41~45 CBBDA46~50 CDBAA51~55 DCBCA56~60 BDCBD
61~65 CADBA66~70 ADCBC71. look; up 72. offered73. take74. sure 75. afraid76. windy77. clear78. cars79. passed80. lights 81. name 82. rather83. against84. blown85. more
Hi, Smith.
I came to return the book Luck but you happened to be out. You lent me the book last month, but I didn’t finish it until yesterday evening. I he a few questions to ask you about the book. It’s really kind of you to offer me such useful English readings. You’re very helpful to me. I wonder if you could lend me another book like this. I’d like to come again tomorrow evening.
Many thanks.
Li Ming



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