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达科塔与艾丽(Dakota Fanning & Elle Fanning):时尚届最爱姐妹花
好莱坞各路姐妹花,要评最亮眼的绝对逃不过范宁家的这一对,两姐妹18,才14。她们在2010年影片《暮光之城》与《超级8》大赚了一笔,堪称好莱坞最风光小姐妹。对一般明星来说,混成一线恐怕才能有机会顺理成章接大牌代言,但这两姐妹却是。达科塔代言了去年Marc Jacobs最新发售的香水。而妹妹艾论文丽也同样受邀担任MarcbyMarcJacobs(是MarcJacobs年轻消费者创建的副线品牌)2011秋季广告大片的主镜明星。
Elle Fanning started acting at the age of 2 years and 8 months. She began her acting career by playingthe younger version of her older sister Dakota’s characters in both the mini-series Taken and the movie I Am Sam.1 In 2002, at the age of four, Elle, in the comedy Daddy Day Care 2, won her first role independent of her sister. She has been quoted as saying “We’re just normal sisters. We both go to school and we just play together.”
贾斯汀·比伯的赚钱功力深厚,《人物》和《福布斯》的双重认定,好莱坞最赚钱青少年非他莫属。2011年,一向不走寻常路线的比伯商业头脑被全面激活。他最近进军商界,卖起了冰淇淋,贴上了比伯的金标签,当天就在全美卖出了上万个!而比伯的其他神奇赚钱法还:出售的动漫COS人物集换卡,3D传记电影《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》(Justin Bieber: Never Say Never)的光盘。,大家都没忘记当初他的一绺头发在eBay网拍卖的轰动效应,成交咋舌,超过了玛丽莲·梦露的头发!
Bieber is often featured in teen magazines such as Tiger Beat, and has been labeled as a “teen heartthrob3”. His change of hairstyle in 2010, and the consequent alterations4 to Bieber products, led to it being called “the most expensive musical haircut of all time”; one company spent $100,000 to fix its dolls for the 2011 Christmas season. Bieber has been criticized for looking and sounding younger than his age, his teen-pop music, image, and frequent media attention. He has been a frequent target of Internet bloggers and message board posters, notably by users of Internet message board and users of YouTube.5
蕾哈娜在经营副业这,已超越了其他同龄女星——唱片、电影、代言样样来!蕾哈娜在《战舰》中客串一名英姿飒爽的炮手,此片投资达两亿美元。拍摄期间,她每周花在头发上的钱就有23,000美元!蕾哈娜还取代了好莱坞性感女星梅根·福克斯而登上意大利品牌Emporio Armani的内衣和牛仔系列两大类产品的全球广告版面。
Pop queen Rihanna created her Believe Foundation in 2006 to help terminally ill children.6 Rihanna explained her reasons for starting the foundation saying, “When I was young and I would watch television and I would see all the children suffering, I always said: when I grow up, I want to help.” She is now the new face for Emporio Armani Underwear and Armani Jeans. She has captured the hearts of the ad world, who voted her sizzling adverts for Armani Underwear the sexiest of 2011.7 The poll was carried out by U.S. magazine Advertising Age.
1. Taken: 美国迷你剧《劫持》,是有关外星人的科幻故事; I Am Sam: 美国电影《我是山姆》,影片讲述了一位智商七岁的父亲,智障者用尽办法争取女儿的监护权,而女儿对他的依恋也让人动容。
2. Daddy Day Care : 喜剧电影《奶爸别动队》,是一部讲述美国普通家庭亲情的电影。

3. heartthrob: 让女性着迷的著名影星、歌手等。

4. alteration: 转变,更改。

5. message board poster: 在留言板上发布消息的人;notably: 显著地,地。
6. Believe Foundation: “基金”,是蕾哈娜于2006年创立的个人公益基金,致力于救助病患儿童家庭; terminally: 不治的,致命的。

7. sizzling: 〈口〉热情的,兴奋的;advert: 〈英口〉广告。



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