
更新时间:2024-02-28 点赞:7058 浏览:17424 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Abstract:This Paper explores the Chinese American image tranormation in American mainstream media from mid 19th to late 20th century: thought evolving from “yellow peril” to “model minority”, the Chinese American are still “the other”.
Key words:Chinese American image yellow peril model minority
Media is a powerful tool to convey social norms and political views and has long-reaching effect on social spiritual structure. America promotes its core value and culture through main stream media in attempt to build a virtual world that is based on the American standards. With the deepening globalization and increasing number of Chinese immigrants, Chinese images are shaped and developed on the big scream, novels, newspapers, etc. From 19 century to now, the Chinese images he undergone significant changes from “yellow peril” to “hero”. The tranorm seems like an encouraging one but if we probe into the cause of it, we can see that the theme, the core value never changes. In fact, no matter how yellow the “hero” is, s/he still white inside—who embodies the American value and that is the most acceptable and admirable minority group that American are pleased to see.
The first significant Chinese immigration to the US began with the California Gold Rush during 1840s and 1850s, and continued with subsequent large labor projects such as the building of the first transcontinental railroad. The Chinese labor suffered from racial discrimination and was isolated and marginalized to encles in cities. Newspapers arou摘自:毕业论文答辩www.618jyw.com
nd the country started to discredit and blame the Chinese for most things, e.g. white unemployment. During this widespread dislike for the Chinese, the federal government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to prohibit the Chinese immigrants from entering the boards until it was repealed in 1943.
The idea of an awakened and powerful China was given a particular meaning by Kaiser Wilhelm who brought forward the term "Yellow Peril" in 1895. It is a generalized fear of the nations and states of Asia, recently China in particular because of its ideology. It has survived with varying intensity and in different forms, from the Middle Ages down until the present day. Perhaps it can be traced back to the age of Genghis Khan’s conquest of half the Europe. The concept first drew much attention in late 19th century when lots of Chinese labor force was brought to America to build railway roads. This completely different race with such an enormous number frightened American society. At that time, the stereotype of Chinese is frail, cunning, arbitrary, cruel, immoral sage pagans of low physique and ethics. However, compared with the Indians and the black people, the Chinese seem arter, more competitive and greatly outnumber the westerners, making them a big threat to the whites.摘自:毕业论文标准格式www.618jyw.com


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