
更新时间:2024-02-10 点赞:28075 浏览:123840 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

【Abstract】There are many kinds of ways and skills about translation, especially literal translation, free translation.
【Key words】literal translation; free translation; awkward translation
I. Introduction
Literal translation and free translation are two basics skills of translation. The controversies between literal translation and free translation last a long time. Literal translation refers to translating a sentence originally. Free translation gives translators some leeway.
II. Literal translation and free translation

1. Literal Translation

Literal translation is a skill in translation. It also keeps the general form of source language, and keeps the structure and metaphor of the original.
Literal translation is not equal to awkward translation. Try to compare:
1.1 Literal translation and awkward translation
In short, awkward translation is “word-for-word translation”. Literal translation is known translation sentence by sentence easily, as a matter of fact, that’s awkward translation. Literal translation is not awkward translation absolutely. Comparing:
e.g.: (1) In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line. (在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线) (Literal Translation)
(2) The earth acts like a big magnet. (地球作用着像一块磁铁).
(Awkward Translation)
From (2), we can see easily this example is neither faithful to the original. It can our translated text clear and coherent.Comparing
(2)* 地球的作用像一块大磁铁.
(3) 静夜思 (李白)
Literal translation: In the still of the night
I descry bright moonlight in front of my Bed,
I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.
I watch the bright moon, as I bilt back my Head,
I year, while stooping, for my homeland more.
Awkward translation:
Quiet Night Thought
Bedside bright moonlight,
Is suspected to be frost on the floor.
Raising head to watch the bright moon,
Lowering head to think of the hometown.
It’s easy to see literal translation is much better than awkward translation. According to the requirement“true, intelligible, elegant”, it reaches “true”“intelligible”. We can follow these rules: translate literally, if possible.
1.2Literal translation as the first translation
Why should we put literal translation in the first place? for one thing, literature translation is helpful to keep the original styles, that’s “exotic atmosphere”, “foreign style” Luxun has appointed.In addition, it is conductive to introduce from elsewhere fresh, vivid words, syntactic construction, making our country’s language abundant,consummate and precise. For instance: 源于:论文大纲怎么写www.618jyw.com


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