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例1.(2011年课标卷,1)The prize will go to the writer ( )story shows the most imagination.
A.that B.which C.whose D.what
例2.(2011 年山东卷,26)The old town has narrow streets and all houses( )are built close to each other.
A.where B.what C.whether D.that
例3.(2010 年江西卷,31)The girl arranged to he piano lessons at the training center with her sister( )she would stay for an hour.
A.where B.who C.which D.what
例4.(2008 年陕西卷, 13)The man pulled out a gold watch ,( )were made of all diamond.
A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of
C.which the hands of D.the hands of which
例5.(2009年 浙江卷, 14)I he reached a point in my life ( ) I am supposed to make decision of my own.
A.which B.where C.how D why
例1.The writer’s story shows the most imagination.
例2.The narrow streets and all houses are built close to each other.
例3.She would stay for an hour at the training center.
例4.The hands of the gold watch were made of all diamond.
例5.I am supposed to make decision of my own at the point.
例1.(The writer’s)story shows the most imagination.
例2.(The narrow streets and all houses) are built close to each other.
例3.She would stay for an hour (at the training center).
例4.The hands of (the gold watch) were made of all diamond.
例5.I am supposed to make decision of my own (at the point).
1.(The writer’s)story shows the most imagination.(缺少定语用whose)
2.(The narrow streets and all houses) are built close to each other. (缺少主语用 源于:免费毕业论文www.618jyw.com
3.She would stay for an hour (at the training center). (缺少地点状语用where)
4.The hands of (the gold watch) were made of all dia-mond. (缺少介词宾语用 which)
5.I am supposed to make decision of my own (at the point). (缺少地点状语用 where)
(责任编辑 黄 晓)


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