
更新时间:2024-02-08 点赞:5353 浏览:18976 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Abstract: Ode to the West Wind, written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, is considered as a masterpiece in the English literature, even in the whole culture. There is no denying that Ode to the West Wind is not simply to sing of the west wind, while there are many thoughts that Shelley wants to express. This paper has comments on it from three aspects — the revolution, the new ideas and the writer himself.
Key words: Shelley, West Wind, revolution, new ideas
Ode to the West Wind, written by Shelley, has a crucial status during his lifetime, and what’ more, it also contributes to the English literature. At the same time, to some extent, it has a great effect on the western revolutions. In this poem, Shelley wants to express his attitude towards the revolution, wants to encourage the new ideas to break the old things, and wants to compare himself to the west wind.
1 To sing of the revolution
“Thou, from whose unseen presence the lees dead are driven,” implies that the revolution is not made through thoroughly, and there are some residuary powers. The West Wind acts as a force to clear up all the blocks. Shelley encourages all the people through the West Wind. In terms of the European revolution, the West Wind is the force to sweep away all the gloomy and reactionary powers with a great and unstoppable power. Its power is enough to waken the sleeping sea, as it is said, “Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams, the blue Mediterranean, where he lay, lulled by the coil his crystalline streams…”. In addition, the West Wind also gives readers the hope that the triumph must be the final result. “Her clarion o’er the dreaming earth, and fill with living hues and odours plain and hill;” tells readers that there is a hope behind the revolution. And “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” also encourages the revolutionists to stick to the end and achieve the final triumph.
2 To spread new ideas
The revolution is important, but the key to it is 源于:论文格式要求www.618jyw.com
to deal with the people’s thoughts, so it is necessary to sweep up the old world and encourage the newly born. When readers see the whole historical periods, they may conclude that there are some new ideas budding behind the revolution. The West Wind is considered the “Destroyer” for driving the last sings of life from the trees; it is considered the “Preserver” for scattering the seeds which will come to life in the spring. “Destroyer and Preserver” has another reasonable understanding. “Destroyer” means that people should sweep all the old ideas, which are the blocks to the revolution. Only when people change their thoughts thoroughly, can they achieve the revolution. “Preserver” means that there may be something useful, which should be preserved.源于:论文格式模板下载www.618jyw.com


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