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中等职业教育课程改革国家规划新教材:语文版BookⅡ Unit1 Trel Reading The Great Wall.
知识目标:培养学生把握文章脉络和进行整体阅读的能力,加强阅读技巧训练,从而使学生对The Great Wall这篇文章有更好的理解。
学生能够掌握以下Useful words and expressions:in the north of,protect… from,force sb. to do sth.,he sth. done,rebuild,extend,by hand,in the 16th century,be used to do,on the coast of,be listed as/by,on the top of,under terrible conditions,thousands of,during the Ming Dynasty,It is said that… It takes sb. some time to do sth..
能力目标:①学生在老师的指导下,经过阅读后能够完成老师布置的任务以及相关练习。②在老师的引导下和经过操练之后,学生能够正确使用前面列出的useful words and expressions去完成相关练习。③学生能够正确朗读课文并且能用自己的理解复述课文。


重点和难点:①在学生阅读这篇文章的过程中培养学生对阅读策略的使用及获取信息的方法,使学生能够更好地理解这篇文章。②引导学生讨论名胜古迹的话题。③引导学生掌握重点句型、useful words and expressions。


(1)Pre-reading activities for interest(读前活动)
(2)While-reading activities for comprehension(读中活动)
由skimming、scanning、detailed reading等组成。所设计的问题着眼于培养学生的阅读策略和能力,是学生理解课文的关键环节。
(3)Post-reading activities for production(读后活动)
Step I Pre-reading activities for interest(8m?)
Activity1 Appreciating a song(播放由张明敏演唱的《我的中国心》),多媒体展示雄伟壮观的长城画面,并且老师口头介绍长城。(4m?)
T:The Great Wall of China is called the“Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall.”It is one of the wonders of the world. It is the longest wall in the world and runs across north China like a huge dragon. It has a history of ever 2000 years. At that time,it is very har摘自:毕业论文格式字体www.618jyw.com
d to build such a wall. It is more than 6,700 kilometers long. It is one of the great creations of the ancient Chinese people. In 1987 it was listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Activity2 Brainstorm(4m?)
Ask the students the following questions.(Task1)
He you ever been to Beijing to visit the Great Wall?
Who built the Great Wall?
Why was it built?
How was it built?
[设计说明]这些问题的设计是为了激活学生的背景知识,由于课前给学生布置了上网查寻有关长城方面的信息,在课堂上提出这些问题,易于调动学生的积极性,也便于学生更好地理解课文。 StepⅡ While-reading activities for comprehension.(20m?)
Activity1 skimming(2m?)
Ask the students to read the passage as quickly as possible and answer this question: What is the passage about?(Task2)
Activity2 scanning(10m?)
Ask the students to scan the passage and find the answers to these questions.(Task3)
Where is the Great Wall located?
Who had the walls linked up and extended? and when?
What was the population of China when the Great Wall was built?
How long did it take people to build under terrible conditions?
How did people carry all the stones ,bricks and lime up to the top of the mountains?
What is the total length of the Great Wall?
Acitivity3 listening and understanding the main idea.(8m?)
Play the tape for the students to listen to and try to summarize
the main ideas of the three parts.(Task4)
Part 1 para1The location of the Great Wall.
Part 2 para2~4The building of the Great Wall.
Part 3 para5The historical role of the Great Wall.
[设计说明]要求学生快速仔细阅读全文,找出每一部分的main idea,获得文章主线和写作意图的整体印象,归纳段落大意可以提高体阅读能力。
StepⅢ Post-reading activities for production.(15m?)
Activity1 Evaluation 2m?
Ask the students to discuss t源于:论文 范文www.618jyw.com
he two questions?(Task5)
Divide the students into four groups.
What do you think of the Great Wall?
What do you think of the ancient Chinese People who built the Great Wall under terrible conditions?

2. Language points and practice.(6m?)

Ask the students to look at the screen and practice useful words and expressions. Then ask the students to make more sentences after models. and then ask the students to finish the exercises on page61and Ex4 on P5 on the workbook in pairs to consolidate.(Task6)
(1)he sth done
(3)be located in
(4)It is said that
(5)be forced to do sth
force sb to do sth
be made to do
(6)It takes sb some time to do sth.
Activity3 Retelling
Ask some students to retell the text for consolidation.(7m?)(Task7)Using the passage on P4 on the workbook to help the students and showing the passage on the screen. [设计说明]前面的阅读和练习为这一部分打下了基础,让学生运用所学的语言知识来表达对这篇课文的理解,可以检测学生对文章的理解程度,同时也检测了学生对本课语言点的掌握情况,便于课后采取补救和巩固措施。
StepⅣ Homework(2m?)
(1)Surf the internet and write a short passage about other places of interest after class.(例如:故宫、颐和园、埃及的金字塔等)
(2)Think about what you should do in order to protect the World Heritage sites.
(3)Try to retell the text using your own words.


Unit 6 Rending A The Great Wall
Words and expressions:

1. he sth done 4. It is said that

2. extend 5. be made to do

3. be located in be forced to do

6. It takes sb some time to do sth.


英语阅读课最重要的是培养学生的阅读能力,用英语去完成任务,这节课达到了这样的目的。教学设计挖掘了文章的内涵和主旨,使各种有用信息渗透到英语教学之中,整个过程始终贯穿培养学生的各方面能力,全方位开发学生的潜能,学生在老师的引导下学会了思考、分析发现问题,学会了表达,发挥了学生主体作用和教师的主导作用,做到了以人为本,全面提高学生的能力。 本节课遵循了任务型教学基本理念,并借助于多媒体教学手段,在歌声中开始,通过观看图片、教师介绍等活动、让学生在“做”中阅读,学生的兴摘自:学术论文格式www.618jyw.com


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